• Tools

    The Thinking Through Appropriate Staffing Trainings activity can help you understand and determine appropriate kinds of trainings for different staff roles (e.g., clinical staff, non-clinical staff).

  • Tools

    The Model for Formulating Suicide Risk in the Patient's Context activity can be used to work through the areas of suicide risk formulation. It is based on the Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk formulation.

  • Tools

    The Overcoming Resistance to Zero Suicide activity can help you think about ways to talk to staff about their barriers to implementing different aspects of Zero Suicide.

  • Readings

    The National Guidelines for Child and Youth Behavioral Health Crisis Care offers best practices, implementation strategies, and practical guidance for the design and development of services that meet the needs of children, youth, and their families experiencing a behavioral health crisis

  • Tools

    SAMHSA's National Guidelines for Crisis Care – A Best Practice Toolkit advances national guidelines in crisis care within a toolkit that supports program design, development, implementation and continuous quality improvement efforts.

  • Tools

    Crisis Now is led by the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD) and developed with the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, and RI International.

  • Webinars

    This webinar provides an overview of the intersection between intimate partner violence (IPV) and suicide in the United States. The presentation addresses considerations for screening and assessing for suicide risk in individuals who have experienced IPV.

  • Webinars

    Health care systems play an integral role in suicide prevention. Data show that 83% of people who die by suicide have seen a health care provider within a year preceding their death. 1 In 2012, the U.S.

  • Podcasts

    Zero Suicide Institute director Dr. Julie Goldstein Grumet appeared on the Pediatric Meltdown podcast with Lia Gaggino. In episode 107 "Suicide Prevention That Works: The Zero Suicide Framework," Dr. Gaggino interviews Dr.

  • Webinars

    The webinar is designed to train frontline clinicians and their teams on skills for suicide risk assessment, evidence-based interventions, referral and transition when needed, and how to change the culture of addressing suicide risk across the clinician’s practice.