A Zero Suicide perspective on the National Patient Safety Goal on suicide prevention in health care settings.

Guidance on Quality & Safety 

Learn how Zero Suicide helps systems meet standards.

The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Guidelines are designed to improve the quality and safety of care for those who are being treated for behavioral health conditions and those who are identified as high risk for suicide. Fidelity to Zero Suicide can help organizations meet and exceed these standards on the way to safer suicide care.

Photo of healthcare worker with clipboard smiling at camera.

Meeting Accreditation Standards Series

Joint Commission's NPSG 15.01.01 applies to all patients in organizations surveyed under the Behavioral Healthcare standards, all patients in psychiatric hospitals, any patient in a general hospital who is being treated or evaluated for a behavioral condition as their primary reason for care, and all patients who express suicidal ideation during the course of care regardless of their registration status. 

For this video series, Zero Suicide experts have collected commonly encountered questions by organizations and will offer guidance and observations on how to meet NPSG 15.01.01. While meeting NPSG 15.05.01 standards is not the equivalent of adopting and implementing the full Zero Suicide framework, there is overlap and the Zero Suicide website provides additional information about implementing comprehensive evidence-based suicide care.

For more resources around accreditation standards, follow this link:

Series Experts

Julie Goldstein Grumet, PhD

  • Director, Zero Suicide at Education Development Center
  • Senior Health Care Advisor at Suicide Prevention Resource Center
  • Senior Health Care Advisor, Suicide Prevention Resource Center

Brian Ahmedani, PhD

  • Director, Center for Health Policy & Health Services Research, Henry Ford Health System
  • Director of Research, Department of Psychiatry, Henry Ford Health System
  • Senior Scientist, Henry Ford Health System

Ed Boudreaux, PhD

  • Professor of Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry, and Quantitative Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Choose a Video to Play

Meeting Accreditation Standards Episode 1: Screening

Photo of two masked physicians looking at clipboard
Meeting Accreditation Standards Episode 1: Screening
This video is part one of three in the Zero Suicide: Meeting Accreditation Standards video series.

Meeting Accreditation Standards Episode 2: Assessment

Photo of doctor speaking to patient
Meeting Accreditation Standards Episode 2: Assessment
In this video, Zero Suicide Institute experts offer guidance and observations on how to set up safe suicide care assessment processes.

Meeting Accreditation Standards Episode 3: Safety Planning and Mitigating Risk

Photo of nurse standing behind patient in wheel chair looking through window.
Meeting Accreditation Standards Episode 3: Safety Planning and Mitigating Risk
In this video, Zero Suicide Institute experts offer guidance and observations on how to set up safety planning to mitigate risk.