Join a network of executives, providers, researchers, and advocates doing the work of Zero Suicide.

Why join the Zero Suicide Listserv?

Connect with other dedicated professionals who share the aspirational goal of zero suicides among individuals under care.

The Zero Suicide Listserv is an open, moderated list that provides a forum for those involved in Zero Suicide to discuss their efforts, engage in peer-to-peer support, and share resources and announcements. Share the Zero Suicide Listserv with others at

Woman typing at a computer

Listserv Focus

Members typically email the listserv when they:

  • Have an article related to Zero Suicide that you would like to share will all listserv members
  • Want to start a conversation with the other listserv members about some aspect of Zero Suicide
  • Have a question or resource that they think will benefit the whole group
  • Want to present a Zero Suicide activity they are doing and get feedback

To join the forum, click the link below to fill out a quick form.