Assess the level of suicide care in your system by taking the Zero Suicide Organizational Self-Study.

Why take the Organizational Self-Study?

Evaluate the core elements of safer suicide care at your organization.

This is the online portal for the Zero Suicide Organizational Self-Study. Your Zero Suicide implementation team should complete the self-study, with input from staff involved in policymaking and care for individuals at risk for suicide.  We offer General, Inpatient, and Community-Based Organizational Self-Studies. At the bottom of this page, you will be prompted to log in and begin.

Colleagues working at a table


The Organizational Self-Study is designed to assess what components of the comprehensive Zero Suicide approach are currently in place and the degree to which the components are embedded within key organizational and clinical areas. The Organizational Self-Study also helps to assess organizational and clinical area-specific strengths and opportunities for development across each component. Recommendations for taking a Self-Study can be found in the Lead section of the Zero Suicide Toolkit.

We offer four versions of the Organizational Self-Study. Organizations can choose to take one or all that are appropriate for its setting. If you would like to review the questions before taking the survey, you can review the PDF of each version of the Self-Study, linked below:

  • The General Organizational Self-Study (PDF version, log in below for the online portal)
    • The General Organizational Self-Study is designed for outpatient organizations with a primary focus on behavioral health care settings. If you're unsure which one to complete, start with this one.
  • The Inpatient Organizational Self-Study (PDF version, log in below for the online portal)
    • The Inpatient Organizational Self-Study is designed for organizations with a primary focus on inpatient health and behavioral health care settings. These may include more intensive levels of care such as partial hospitalization or intensive outpatient programs if managed under an inpatient organizational structure.
  • The Community-Based Organizations with Clinical Providers Self-Study (PDF version, log in below for online portal)
    • The Community-Based Organizational With Clinical Providers Self-Study is for community-based organizations that employ health and behavioral health care providers (e.g., correctional facilities, homeless-serving organizations, and elder care organizations), and are working in partnership with health systems to implement Zero Suicide.
  • The Community-Based Organizations without Clinical Providers Self-Study (PDF version, log in below for online portal)
    • This Community-Based Organizations Without Clinical Providers Self-Study is for community-based organizations that do not employ health and behavioral health care providers (e.g., correctional facilities, homeless-serving organizations, and elder care organizations), and are working in partnership with health systems to implement Zero Suicide.

For Tribal or IHS-Led Health Systems please choose the Organizational Self Study for your setting (general, community, inpatient) and then use the Organizational Self-Study Addendum for Tribal or IHS-Led Health Systems. You will swap out questions 8, 9, and 15 for the ones on this addendum.

Create a new account or log in to access the online portal for the four versions of the Organizational Self-Study.

Zero Suicide Academy®

For those completing the Organizational Self-Study as a requirement for attendance at a Zero Suicide Academy, please note that the Organizational Self-Study is housed on this website, which is separate from You will be prompted to create a separate account on this website in order to complete the Self-Study.

General Guide to Rating

Each component of the Zero Suicide model is measured on a rating scale from 1 to 5. The scale is intended to balance minimal reporting burden with measuring implementation for the most essential parts of the model. Anchors, or specific expectations, are included for most components following this guide:


1Routine care or care as usual for this item. The organization has not yet focused specifically on developing or embedding a suicide care approach for this activity.
2Initial actions toward improvement taken for this item. The organization has taken some preliminary or early steps to focus on improving suicide care.
3Several steps toward improvement made for this item. The organization has made several steps toward advancing an improved suicide approach.
4Near comprehensive practices in place for this item. The organization has significantly advanced its suicide care approach.
5Comprehensive practices in place for this item. The organization has embedded suicide care in its approach and now relies on monitoring and maintenance to ensure sustainability and continuous quality improvement.

To get started, log in or register for a new account: