Policies and procedures around the use of Zero Suicide Toolkit℠ intellectual property.

How to Use Zero Suicide Toolkit Resources

Zero Suicide resources are intended to be used freely.

All Zero Suicide Toolkit materials are freely available for use but special permissions are required for reproduction or republication. Specific policies for website content, videos, and branding are outlined below.



Use of Zero Suicide Toolkit Content

The content on this site is subject to copyright owned by Education Development Center, Inc. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this site's content is expressly prohibited without attribution or citation.

Suggested attribution: 

  • The Zero Suicide logo is made available for non-profit use by Zero Suicide Institute at Education Development Center (EDC), Inc. EDC developed the Zero Suicide framework in collaboration and administers the Zero Suicide Toolkit at zerosuicide.edc.org. 

  • The Zero Suicide framework was developed at Education Development Center (EDC) through the federally funded Suicide Prevention Resource Center and National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. The Zero Suicide Toolkit is administered by EDC's Zero Suicide Institute and can be found at zerosuicide.edc.org.

  • This material adapts content from the Zero Suicide Toolkit. The Zero Suicide Toolkit is administered by Zero Suicide Institute at Education Development Center (EDC), Inc. EDC developed the Zero Suicide framework through the federally funded Suicide Prevention Resource Center and National Action Alliance. The Zero Suicide Toolkit can be found at zerosuicide.edc.org. 

Zero Suicide Tools

Website users are permitted to adapt all versions of the Zero Suicide Organizational Self-Study and Zero Suicide Workforce Survey for the purpose of administering them independent of the online portals to better meet their Zero Suicide implementation needs. We ask that any adaptation attributes and links to the original source material on the website. This includes attributing the source material in a manner that makes it clear to individuals that this is an adaptation (i.e., by altering the title or creating an original title, etc.). When adapting the Zero Suicide Workforce Survey, pay careful attention to the embedded question branches and conditional logic. 

Use of Zero Suicide Toolkit Videos

The videos on this site are subject to copyright owned by Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC). Any reproduction or republication of all or part of these videos is expressly prohibited unless EDC has explicitly granted its prior written consent. All other rights reserved.

The names, trademarks, service marks and logos of EDC or the sponsors appearing in this video may not be used in any advertising or publicity, or otherwise to indicate sponsorship or affiliation with any product or service, without prior express written permission from EDC and the video sponsors.

Neither EDC, nor any party involved in creating, producing or delivering information and material via this video, shall be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising out of access to, us of or inability to use this video, or any errors or omissions in the content thereof. Individuals and organizations are free to hyperlink to videos on the Zero Suicide website if credit is acknowledged.

For all other cases, EDC will grant written consent for individuals and organizations seeking to use videos produced by EDC for non-profit use on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Teresa Sherman (tsherman@edc.org), manager of communications & engagement at Zero Suicide Institute, for further discussion.

Use of Zero Suicide Branding

EDC will grant individuals and organizations seeking to use Zero Suicide branding for non-profit use. The Zero Suicide logo and branding may not be used in advertising or publicity for any commercial product or service. Please contact Teresa Sherman (tsherman@edc.org), manager of communications & engagement at Zero Suicide Institute, for further discussion.