Puzzle Train


Train a competent, confident, and caring workforce.


Training for All

When an organization makes a commitment to Zero Suicide, everyone understands that safe suicide care begins the moment the patient walks through the door for the first time. It is essential that all staff members have the necessary skills to provide excellent care, which in turn will help staff to feel more confident in their ability to provide caring and effective assistance to patients with suicide risk.

Why Train
David Covington
Who needs skills to interact with people in care at risk of suicide?
In a Zero Suicide approach:
  • Employees are assessed for the beliefs, training, and skills needed to care for individuals at risk of suicide.
  • All employees, clinical and non-clinical, receive suicide prevention training appropriate to their role.


How will we formally assess staff on their perception of their confidence, skills, and perceived support to care for individuals at risk for suicide? What training will we then provide for staff to develop the needed skills?


To Implement Zero Suicide

Assess Staff Skills

  • Conduct an assessment of staff knowledge, practices, and confidence in providing safer suicide care.
  • Repeat the assessment at least every three years.
Why Train?
Virna Little
The importance of training in suicide care.

The Zero Suicide Workforce Survey is the ideal tool for assessing staff knowledge, practices, and confidence. See the Zero Suicide Workforce Survey tab above for detailed information.

Train Staff in Key Skills

  • Provide staff training commensurate with their roles in providing safer suicide care.
  • Repeat training at least every three years.
  • Ensure that training contains the following elements:
    • The fundamentals of the organization’s Zero Suicide philosophy
    • Policies and protocols relevant to the staff member’s role and responsibilities
    • Basic, research-informed training on suicide identification for all staff
    • Additional training to all clinical staff to ensure a basic level of skill in assessing, managing, and treatment planning for patients at risk of suicide, including safety planning and reduction of access to lethal means
    • Advanced training to deepen skills and increase confidence and effectiveness

Available Trainings

Many training workshops are available and choosing the right one for your organization’s needs may seem challenging.

Go to the Training Workshops tab above for information about training programs and an activity demonstrating how an organization might go about choosing the right training for specific categories of staff. See Suicide Care Training Options for a chart summarizing the most widely used programs and their audiences and length.