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Find out what researchers and implementers are saying about how Zero Suicide can transform systems for safer care.
Join the Zero Suicide movement, a call for safer suicide care in health and behavioral health powered by a network of implementors and innovators.
The Zero Suicide Toolkit is a detailed guide to Zero Suicide implementation and strategy.
A multi-source collection of readings, tools, videos, and webinars to help you understand and implement Zero Suicide.
PodcastsIn this podcast episode, Dr. Julie Goldstein Grumet describes how the Zero Suicide Toolkit was developed to help health and behavioral healthcare leaders implement Zero Suicide.
VideosThis is a series of four videos for parents, family members, and friends of youth experiencing suicidal crisis.
ReadingsThis article discusses Honoring Children, Mending the Circle, an American Indian and Alaska Native adaptation of trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy.
ReadingsThis guide provides interventions to treat for suicidal ideation, self-harm, and suicide attempts among youth.
VideosIn this short video, Drs. John Ackerman and Glenn Thomas describe Nationwide’s experience implementing Zero Suicide.
PodcastsThis podcast episode discusses ways health care professionals can prevent kids at risk for suicide from slipping through the cracks.
ToolsThis resource includes standardized processes for suicide risk screening and assessment for use with children and youth in the emergency department and within inpatient behavioral health care.
ToolsThis toolkit is designed to support hospitals in providing high-quality, effective emergency care to pediatric patients in psychiatric distress.
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) created a Clinical Pathway for Children and Adolescents At Risk for Suicide in Outpatient Specialty Care as a guide for staff on how to identify and respond to suicide risk.
This success story details how the National Alliance on Mental Illness New Hampshire (NAMI NH) and New Hampshire Hospital established a care transitions program for youth inpatients.