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Find out what researchers and implementers are saying about how Zero Suicide can transform systems for safer care.
Join the Zero Suicide movement, a call for safer suicide care in health and behavioral health powered by a network of implementors and innovators.
The Zero Suicide Toolkit is a detailed guide to Zero Suicide implementation and strategy.
A multi-source collection of readings, tools, videos, and webinars to help you understand and implement Zero Suicide.
ToolsThis roadmap includes action plans for ways to bolster resilience during the Coronavirus pandemic.
ToolsThese resources provide guidance on how to optimize workflows and billing practices to better finance the delivery of improved suicide prevention services that align with the Zero Suicide framework.
Suicide Care Pathway Coding for Primary Care presents codes applicable in primary care systems.
Suicide Care Pathway Coding for Primary and Behavioral Health Care presents codes applicable to a care pathway in primary and behavioral health care systems.
Safer Suicide Care Billing Tip Sheet shares tips for billing for a range of services related to safer suicide care. Please note that the information here is from 2022. Note: When you click on the "Get Resource" link below it will automatically download the file.
ToolsThis tip sheet presents codes related to billing for depression screening.
ToolsFinancing Suicide Prevention in Health Care Systems: Best Practices and Recommendations informs practice and policy recommendations for health care systems and policymakers to improve access to effective suicide prevention services.