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Find out what researchers and implementers are saying about how Zero Suicide can transform systems for safer care.
Join the Zero Suicide movement, a call for safer suicide care in health and behavioral health powered by a network of implementors and innovators.
The Zero Suicide Toolkit is a detailed guide to Zero Suicide implementation and strategy.
A multi-source collection of readings, tools, videos, and webinars to help you understand and implement Zero Suicide.
ToolsThis toolkit was designed to help community organizers take specific steps on National AI/AN Hope for Life Day to change the conversation about suicide, initiate action, and foster hope in their efforts to reduce suicide in AI/AN communities across the country.
National Center for Trauma-Informed Care trainer Leah Harris discusses the many ways lived experience expertise can increase the quality of treatment and foster trust between care providers and those receiving care.
VideosHear about care transitions from lived experience expert Diana Cortez-Yanez.
Lived Experience expert Diana Cortez-Yanez relates the care she received that made a positive impact on her recovery.
VideosLeah Harris discusses the importance of involving people with lived experiences in leadership roles.
The Way Forward report, authored by the Suicide Attempt Survivors Task Force of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, provides recommendations based on evidence-based practices which incorporate personal lived experience of recovery and resilience.