• Videos

    Leah Harris, Director of Communications & Development at the National Empowerment Center, shares her thoughts about the importance of involving people with lived experiences in leadership roles, to improve screening, assessment, and patient engagement.

  • Tools

    Centerstone of Tennessee developed this education sheet to explain to individuals when they are being placed on the pathway to care, or suicide care management plan, and what that means.

  • Readings

    Jobes, D. A., Rudd, M. D., Overholser, J. C., & Joiner, T. E., Jr. (2008). Ethical and competent care of suicidal patients: Contemporary challenges, new developments, and considerations for clinical practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 39(4), 405.

  • Readings

    Oordt, M. S., Jobes, D. A., Rudd, M. D., Fonseca, V. P., Runyan, C. N., Stea, J. B., . . .  Talcott, G. W. (2005). Development of a clinical guide to enhance care for suicidal patients. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 36(2), 208.

  • Videos

    Becky Stoll, Vice President for Crisis and Disaster Management at Centerstone, discusses Centerstone's suicide care management plan.