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Find out what researchers and implementers are saying about how Zero Suicide can transform systems for safer care.
Join the Zero Suicide movement, a call for safer suicide care in health and behavioral health powered by a network of implementors and innovators.
The Zero Suicide Toolkit is a detailed guide to Zero Suicide implementation and strategy.
A multi-source collection of readings, tools, videos, and webinars to help you understand and implement Zero Suicide.
ToolsThe Thinking Through Appropriate Staffing Trainings activity can help you understand and determine appropriate kinds of trainings for different staff roles.
This short, interactive module teaches the why and how behind ensuring a caring, competent, and confident workforce.
UMass Memorial Health Care system (UMMHC) has been implementing the Zero Suicide framework in a stepped approach since 2016. The effort was precipitated by a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health to study Zero Suicide implementation across a large health care system.
ToolsThis roadmap includes action plans for ways to bolster resilience during the Coronavirus pandemic.
ToolsThe self-paced online course is for healthcare professionals who conduct screening, assessment, and brief interventions in the ED.
ToolsThis resource lists suicide care training programs appropriate for clinical and non-clinical staff at health and behavioral health care agencies.
Pisani , A. R., Cross, W. F., & Gould, M. S. (2011). The assessment and management of suicide risk: State of workshop education. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 41(3), 255–276.