• Tools

    What is suicide safety planning? Will I need to adapt the safety planning approach when working with young people? How do I help my adolescent clients and their family members develop an effective suicide safety plan?

  • Tools

    Providers in acute care settings can administer this secondary screening tool to help decide whether an individual who has screened positive on the primary Patient Safety Screener (PSS-3) requires additional care processes, such as safety precautions and a psychiatric evaluation.

  • Tools

    The Ask Suicide Screening Questions (ASQ) toolkit includes the Brief Suicide Safety Assessment Guide (BSSA) which incorporates suggestions on what questions to ask, examples of how to respond to and ask questions, and what areas should be explored to develop a fuller understanding of an individua

  • Webinars

    This webinar provides an overview of the intersection between intimate partner violence (IPV) and suicide in the United States. The presentation addresses considerations for screening and assessing for suicide risk in individuals who have experienced IPV.

  • Webinars

    Health care systems play an integral role in suicide prevention. Data show that 83% of people who die by suicide have seen a health care provider within a year preceding their death. 1 In 2012, the U.S.

  • Tools

    This educational handout from the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention - and funded by Universal Health Services - provides information on how to involve appropriate natural supports (i.e., family and friends) in suicide care.

  • Tools

    To help organizations strengthen their care transitions process and close the gaps in care, the Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention - with funding from Universal Health Services - developed this sample Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Inpatient and Outpatient Behavioral Health Care provid

  • Tools
    The Treatments and Brief Interventions for Suicide-Specific Care lists and describes evidence-based suicide specific treatments and evidence-based suicide-specific brief interventions.
  • Tools
    The Zero Suicide Inpatient Work Plan Template for should be used by an implementation team after completing the Zero Suicide Inpatient Organizational Self-Study.
  • Patients admitted into a hospital or clinic for at least one overnight stay are often experiencing a period of high risk for suicidal ideation.