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    Ed Coffey, CEO of Behavioral Health Services at Henry Ford Health System, discusses the origins Zero Suicide in Perfect Depression Care.


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    Becky Stoll, Vice President for Crisis and Disaster Management at Centerstone, discusses the way that the electronic health record can be used to ensure patients with suicide risk are closely monitored.

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    Virna Little, Senior Vice President—Psychosocial Services at the Institute for Family Health, provides a description of the company's recording and monitoring of assessment and treatment history for patients at risk of suicide.

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    Becky Stoll, Vice President for Crisis and Disaster Management at Centerstone, describes how Centerstone engages clients in a suicide care pathway.

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    David Covington, Co-lead of the Zero Suicide Advisory Group, highlights the potential impact of training the entire workforce.

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    Virna Little, Senior Vice President—Psychosocial Services at the Institute for Family Health, talks about prioritizing training in suicide care.

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    David Covington, Co-lead of the Zero Suicide Advisory Group, asserts that all staff need skills to interact with people in care at risk of suicide.

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    Leah Harris, Director of Communications & Development at the National Empowerment Center, shares her thoughts about the importance of involving people with lived experiences in leadership roles, to improve screening, assessment, and patient engagement.

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    David Covington, Co-lead of the Zero Suicide Advisory Group, discusses the need to move suicide prevention to a central focus in behavioral health care.

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    Becky Stoll, Vice President for Crisis and Disaster Management at Centerstone, and Virna Little, Senior Vice President—Psychosocial Services at the Institute for Family Health, describe their respective strategies for involving leadership in a Zero Suicide initiative.