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Find out what researchers and implementers are saying about how Zero Suicide can transform systems for safer care.
Join the Zero Suicide movement, a call for safer suicide care in health and behavioral health powered by a network of implementors and innovators.
The Zero Suicide Toolkit is a detailed guide to Zero Suicide implementation and strategy.
A multi-source collection of readings, tools, videos, and webinars to help you understand and implement Zero Suicide.
ToolsThis roadmap includes action plans for ways to bolster resilience during the Coronavirus pandemic.
ToolsThis resource from the Center for Practice Innovations and SP-TIE includes tips for evaluating and treating suicidal individuals remotely via telehealth.
In this episode, Rocky Mountain MIRECC for VA Suicide Prevention speaks with Dr. Bridget Matarazzo about the VA Suicide Risk Management Consultation Program.
The Rocky Mountain MIRECC for Suicide Prevention, part of the Department of Veterans Affairs, is offering a free consultation program for any clinician and provider who works with any Veteran at risk for suicide.
PodcastsIn this podcast trilogy, Rocky Mountain Short host Adam Hoffberg interviews three key Zero Suicide Champions who attended the 50th annual American Association of Suicidology conference.
ReadingsIn this Suicide Prevention Resource Center Director's Corner, Anthony Pisani, PhD explains moving away from a prediction model of suicide risk to a prevention model.
ReadingsThis article presents a model for teaching and communicating suicide risk assessments without categorical predictions.
Douglas, K. S., & Skeem, J. L. (2005). Violence risk assessment: Getting specific about being dynamic. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 11(3), 347.
Berman, A. L., & Silverman, M. M. (2014). Suicide risk assessment and risk formulation part II: Suicide risk formulation and the determination of levels of risk. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 44(4), 432–443.
Silverman, M. M., & Berman, A. L. (2014). Suicide risk assessment and risk formulation part I: A focus on suicide ideation in assessing suicide risk. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 44(4), 420–431.