• Tools

    Crisis Now is led by the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD) and developed with the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, and RI International.

  • Readings

    In this article, a Zero Suicide implementer shares how their system transformed the way they transition patients through care.

  • Podcasts

    Zero Suicide Institute director Dr. Julie Goldstein Grumet appeared on the Pediatric Meltdown podcast with Lia Gaggino. In episode 107 "Suicide Prevention That Works: The Zero Suicide Framework," Dr. Gaggino interviews Dr.

  • Tools

    Yakama Nation Behavioral Health Services prepared these caring contact cards for their clients and provided them as examples for other Zero Suicide implementers. They demonstrate how caring contacts can send a message of thoughtful support.

  • Tools

    Follow the link below to access the online portal for the Zero Suicide Organizational Self-Study. Your Zero Suicide implementation team should complete the self-study, with input from staff involved in policymaking and care for patients at risk for suicide.

  • Tools

    To help organizations strengthen their care transitions process and close the gaps in care, the Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention - with funding from Universal Health Services - developed this sample Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Inpatient and Outpatient Behavioral Health Care provid

  • Tools

    The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (now the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline) created Follow-Up Matters, a website dedicated to promoting follow-up care as an impactful and cost-effective method of suicide prevention.

  • Videos

    In seven videos, Australian suicide prevention and systems change experts share their insights on adopting the Zero Suicide framework.

  • Podcasts

    Craig Kramer is Mental Health Ambassador and Chair, Global Campaign for Mental Health, in Neuroscience External Affairs at Janssen R&D, a Johnson & Johnson company and is an Executive Committee member of the

  • Videos

    In this short video, Drs.